Why MSSC® Certifications?
MSSC certifications validate the core competencies of new-hires and can also be used to improve and sharpen the skills of existing employees to meet the changing demands of new technologies, new processes and the global market. Employers who have used MSSC as a hiring tool by adding MSSC certifications to their hiring practices have seen reduced turnover, improved teamwork and lower recruitment costs. Employers that use MSSC to amplify the training of existing employees can expect a more agile and productive workforce with a broader understanding of manufacturing and logistics.
84% of executives surveyed agree that there is a talent shortage in U.S. manufacturing. MSSC is strategically positioned to help industry resolve this shortage. MSSC Certifications offer for employees:
- Hands on training and testing device options
- High employer ROI
- Employability Skills
- Delivered and customized locally
- Timely and cost effective for students
- Articulates well between high school and colleges
- Integrated into apprenticeships and internships
- Secures pipeline of certified production and logistics technicians
What manufacturers are saying…
The North Carolina Manufacturing Institute conducted a survey of manufacturers that have hired CPT graduates since 2014 to measure overall satisfaction. Here are the results:
- 100% of employers reported CPT technicians met their need
- 95% of respondents “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed” that technicians were well prepared
- 100% of respondents “Strongly agreed” or “Agreed” that technicians reduced 90-day turnover rates
For more information on this survey, follow this link.
To confirm the certification status of current or potential employees follow this link to access the Certification Verification tool.
For information on how to become an MSSC Center contact Tyler Kennedy, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, 703-739-9000 x2226