Federal Board Officially Recognizes MSSC- National Skill Standards Board (NSSB) announces formal recognition of the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) ® as “Voluntary Partnership” of companies, labor and education capable of reaching 40% of the manufacturing workforce. MSSC focus: core skills and knowledge for production and production-support technicians, entry-level through first line of supervision.
Federal Board Endorses Skill Standards- NSSB officially endorsed MSSC standards for the major concentrations of manufacturing: Safety, Quality, Process & Production, and Maintenance Awareness. These legally defensible standards were developed and nationally validated with the assistance of 700 companies, 4,000 front-line technicians, and 300+ subject matter experts, with the support of $5 million in federal funds and $4 million in in-kind industry match.
Production Assessments Completed- In collaboration with the National Occupational Competencies Testing Institute (NOCTI) and Raytheon Professional Services, MSSC develops an assessment based four production modules defined by MSSC standards: Safety; Quality; Production Processes; and Maintenance. MSSC pilots 1600+ assessments, sets cut scores for each module.
Credentialing Process Begins
U.S. Department of Education Adopts MSSC- ED selected MSSC standards as the basis for its “Career Pathways” in manufacturing.
MSSC Endorses Courses
MSSC Endorses Instructor Certification Training Program
NAM Supports MSSC Certification System for Production Technicians
DOL Adopts MSSC Framework- USDOL’s Employment and Training Administration announces a “Core Competencies Model for Advanced Manufacturing” based upon MSSC standards and used as guidelines for applicants for ETA training funds.
Supply Chain Logistics Certification System Development- Under a USDOL grant to the North Central TX Workforce Board, MSSC begins work on a standards, training and assessment system leading to entry-level certificates (Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) ®) and mid-level certificates (Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) ®) for front-line technicians throughout all supply chain facilities: production, warehousing, distribution, and transportation.
First-ever Certification System for Front-line Material Handling Workforce in Supply Chain Logistics Deployed- On January 14, MSSC launches new, industry-led training and credentialing system for front-line material handling technicians in supply chain logistics. Individuals are assessed for two MSSC credentials: the foundational-level Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) certificate and mid-level Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) Certification
NAM-endorsed Skills Certification System Launched- On March 4, NAM endorses five well-established national certifications as the “Founding Partners” of this new System: ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), MSSC CPT, the National Institute for Metal Working Skills (NIMS) machining credentials, the American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welder credentials, and the certification programs of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
Job Corps Aligns Material Handling and Distribution Ops Program with MSSC CLT
USDOL Commissions MSSC to Develop New “Green Production” Module
Veterans Administration Authorizes Use of CLT- Veterans can now use their G.I. Bill funds to cover the costs of both CPT and CLT assessments.
American National Standards Institute Accredits CPT and CLT under ISO Standard 17024 (Personnel Certification)
Addition of MSSC Training Solution Providers in every state
Launch of CPT+ Skill Boss Hands-on Training and Assessment Device, invented by Amatrol- Built upon MSSC’s well-established Certified Production Technician (CPT) ®, the CPT+ Skill Boss program is designed to prepare certificants with the next generation skills to work in a computer-driven, data-intensive advanced manufacturing workplace.
Launch of the Certified Forklift Technician (CFT)® Training and Certification- Created in partnership with the Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) to provide skills to entry level forklift technicians, enhancing their performance in the world of material handling. The CFT prepares individuals to repair and maintain technical systems utilizing key engineering principles that underpin most forklift vehicles.
Launch of the Certified Technician-Supply Chain Automation (CT-SCA)™ Training and Certification along with the Hands-on Training and Assessment device, Skill Boss Logistics- The CT-SCA program was developed through collaboration with the National Science Foundation-funded National Center for Supply Chain Automation (NCSCA), Material Handling Industry (MHI), Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA), Amatrol, and NOCTI Business Solutions. The purpose of the CT-SCA program is to prepare technicians who install, operate, support, upgrade, and maintain the automated material handling equipment and systems which support the supply chain.