Manufacturing Skill Standards Council ®-901 N Washington St. Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314


Certification Policies


Any individual who wishes to participate in one of MSSC’s® certification programs must agree to the following requirements:

  • Accept an agreement to participate in the certification system
  • Agree to uphold the MSSC Code of Conduct
  • Agree to the terms and conditions set for in the Candidate Handbook for their respective program
  • Adhere to the security guidelines provided in the Candidate Handbook and by their Proctor
  • Report any security violations during their assessment

Download the Candidate Handbook


MSSC understands and is fully aware of the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities. MSSC adheres to procedures based upon ISO Standard 17024 to carry out certification activities in an impartial manner, ensure objectivity and manage conflicts of interest.


To ensure that the CPT and CLT certifications reflect the most current standard in frontline manufacturing and logistics, respectively, full CPT and full-CLT certificate holders are required to recertify every five years. The recertification program is a point-based system where candidates earn points for continuing education and employment in a field related to manufacturing or logistics. Recertification is not required for individual modular certificates.


Since the official annual review of the standards and assessments began in 2010, the first recertification requirement will begin in 2015. Due to the policy change to a point-based system, anyone who’s certification expires in 2015 or 2016 qualifies for a minimum 90-day extension.


Recertification Program

MSSC Centers

MSSC requires all authorized MSSC Centers to provide a secure and impartial testing environment. Centers must:

  • Maintain confidentiality of candidates and certificates
  • Prevent conflict of interest between their organization and the candidate
  • Enforce a strict firewall between assessment and training activities
  • Sign a security agreement with MSSC and NOCTI (third-party assessment distributor)

For a complete description of MSSC Center requirements or security agreements, please contact us at

Assessment Security

MSSC security policies are set in collaboration with its assessment subcontractor, the National Occupational Competencies Testing Institute (NOCTI).  Assessment security involves procedures for shipping, receiving, storing, disseminating and controlling assessment materials, both in hard copy and online formats. Assessment instruments must only be released to individuals qualified to take part in the local assessment program (see restrictions below).  Sites must establish a specific assessment security and administration policy that denotes the proper handling and use of assessment materials. In-service training should be provided by site administration to ensure that all individuals involved in the testing process understand the importance and requirements of maintaining assessment security.

If assessment security is compromised in any manner, MSSC and NOCTI reserve the right to take appropriate action.  The following statements constitute MSSC/NOCTI’s assessment security requirements.

  • Testing sites must be approved by MSSC/NOCTI prior to administration of any NOCTI assessments.  MSSC and/or NOCTI reserve the right to approve, deny, or place sites on probation in its sole discretion based on the information provided at the time of application and based on the performance of the site any time after approval is granted.
  • Testing sites are liable for the conduct of staff, consultants, or volunteers associated with the district or institution as related to the assessment program, including but not limited to the site coordinator, proctors, and/or evaluators.
  • Testing sites have a professional responsibility to report any security breach to MSSC immediately and to respond to requests for further information in a timely manner.
  • Testing sites must protect the integrity of QuadNet, NOCTI’s online systems. Access to password-protected sites should be restricted to the individuals qualified to take part in the local testing program.
  • Assessment instruments shall not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any fashion. Reproduction of assessment instruments represents a violation of copyright law.
  • Assessment instruments shall not be made available, in whole or in part, to newspapers, radio stations or other media sources for any reason.
  • Assessment instruments must not be released or administered to individuals other than those qualified to take part in the local testing program. Restricted individuals include, but are not limited to instructors, para-professionals, parents and personnel from other school districts.
  • Individual candidate information including Candidate ID, assessment scores and personal information may not be released to anyone without written permission granted by the candidate. 
  • Instructors teaching in the content area for which the assessment instrument will be administered are prohibited from proctoring and/or evaluating their own students or students in a similar educational setting during the multiple-choice (written) or performance assessments, in both online and paper/pencil formats.
  • Assessments, assessment items (questions), performance jobs, related scoring criteria or any other special projects may not be shared with instructors at any time, under any circumstances.  Information required for assessment preparation and set-up is available through non-restricted materials.  Assessment proctors and evaluators are prohibited from sharing assessment-related content with instructors or any other individual assisting in the classroom.
  • Assessment candidates must not have access to assessments or assessment items (questions) until the actual assessment administration commences.
  • Individuals serving as Site Coordinator, Assessors and/or proctors are PROHIBITED from taking MSSC Assessments.
  • Failure to have candidates use the correct MSSC Candidate ID can result in fine of $25 per candidate to correct. In addition, candidates’ results will not be released, and candidates will not receive access to their certificates if a valid MSSC Candidate ID is not used during the assessment process.

Assessment Security Violations

Click here to download a copy of MSSC’s security violations policy for assessments.

Training Providers

To ensure the impartiality and integrity of our certifications, MSSC requires a strict firewall between training and assessment activities including the following policies:

  • Instructors are not allowed to serve as assessment proctors or be present during an assessment period
  • Instructors may not require students to go through their training in order to sit for an MSSC assessment
  • Certificants can become instructors
  • Instructors receive a certificate of completion if they attend an MSSC Instructor Training Class
  • Instructors will be listed on the MSSC website as authorized to teach only the courses for which they have earned an MSSC certificate

Logo Usage

Since its formal recognition by the federal National Skill Standards Board in March 1998 as the “Voluntary Partnership” for all sectors of manufacturing under the National Skill Standards Act, the MSSC has used the same logo. The MSSC has since used this logo as its brand nationwide in repeated communications to a sizeable community of stakeholders including: industry, academia, associations, workforce boards, unions, and state and federal agencies. The MSSC logo is a recognized symbol of its training, assessment and certification system based on nationally validated, industry defined, and federally endorsed manufacturing standards.

MSSC greatly values its community and strongly advocates the proper use of its logo in promoting its products and services and as a symbol of their quality and source. The proper use of its logo is listed in the guidelines below.

Rules for the use of the MSSC logo:

  • In all cases MSSC must authorize the use of its logo.
  • An MSSC Center may use the logo on promotional materials i.e., brochures, mailings, posters etc.
  • A Center or training provider may also use the logo on articles of clothing, bags, cups, pens, badges, etc. as long as they are not intended for retail sale.  If the intent is for retail sale then a user fee must be established with MSSC.
  • A Center may use the logo only for promoting MSSC assessments.
  • A Center or training provider that has adopted or developed its own MSSC solution courses and is not using MSSC-authorized courses the MSSC logo may be used on promotional materials ONLY if they also list the availability of MSSC-authorized courses.
  • As noted above, the only organizations that have the right to use the MSSC logo in any fashion, unless specifically authorized by MSSC, are MSSC Centers or an organization that offers MSSC-authorized courses.
  • The MSSC logo must be placed on attractive professionally designed materials.
  • Logo may not be altered in any way to change the general outward appearance of the logo. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Proportion—The logo must be kept proportionate in size. If electronically resized through a graphic editing program, the logo shall not be unevenly stretched, skewed, or distorted in any fashion. During the resizing process, the “constrain proportions” or “maintain aspect ratio” option must be used.
  • Logo Area—The area of the logo (image area) may not be altered by addition or layering of images, text or any element whatsoever so as to alter the appearance of the logo.
  • Misrepresentation—No other logos or elements may be introduced so as to give the impression that the logo represents an endorsement, strategic alliance, affiliation, or partnership, unless authorized by MSSC
  • Color—The colors of the MSSC logo may not be altered.   Further, the background should be either white or a very light color that is complimentary to the blue MSSC coloring.
  • Redistribution— Logo may not be redistributed through any third party. Redistribution and/or use of the logo through a third party violates the licensing agreement outlined above and can bring forth appropriate legal action.

Using an MSSC logo on a website requires authorization from MSSC with several attached conditions.

  • You must first provide the URL (web address) of the site.
  • You must agree that MSSC reserves the right to have you remove the MSSC logo from your website for whatever reasons MSSC deems necessary. This includes, but is not limited to, misrepresentation, fraud, rendering the logo to be disproportionate or altering its colors, or combining the logo with any other corporate or organizational logo or text so as to infer the impression of a partnership, strategic alliance, or other business affiliation.

Any questions concerning the use of the MSSC logo should be directed to Tyler Kennedy, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, 703-739-9000 x2226.

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