Manufacturing Skill Standards Council ®-901 N Washington St. Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314


Leadership Council


Marilyn Barger, Senior Education Advisor, Florida Advanced Technician Education (FLATE) and FloridaMakes

Stephanie Borowski, President, GPS Education Partners

Madeline Burillo, President, Houston Community College System

Gardner Carrick, Chief Program Officer, NAM Manufacturing Institute

Kathy Clayton, Executive Director, AFL-CIO Labor Institute for Training and Manager, MSSC CPT Instructor Training

Kelcey Woods-Nord, Apprenticeship & Internship Coordinator, South Central College

Penny Enroth, Chairman, Palmer Foundation

Anne Gielczyk, Vice President, NOCTI Business Solutions

Remero C. Green, Director, Mission Programs, Pride Enterprises

Tammy Green, Executive Director, Community and Workforce Education, Metropolitan Community College

Steve Harrington, Industry Liaison, National Center for Supply Chain Technology Education

Cindy Hill, Ph.D., Principal Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, ACT

Sherman Johnson, Executive Director-Offender Employment Development, Indiana Department of Corrections

Michael Keogh, Director, Workforce Development, Community College of Vermont

Pat Lane, Chairman & Angela Traiforos, Executive Director, Community Learning Center, Dallas

Chelle Travis, Executive Director, SkillsUSA

Jeff Lynn, President, Central Alabama Community College 

Tiffany Melvin, J.D. North American Strategy for Competitiveness

Harry Moser, Founder & President, Reshoring Initiative

Paul Perkins, President and CEO, Amatrol, Inc.

Ritu Raju, President and Chief Executive Officer, Gateway Technical College

Dave Rea, Managing Director, Organizational Development, Catalyst Connection

Marla Robinson, Faculty Member, Mohawk Community College

David Setzer, Executive Director, Workforce Solutions North Central Texas

Jeff Spain, Senior Director, Manufacturing Extension Partnership at Columbus State Community College

Rob Stewart, President & CEO, OpusWorks®, by The Quality Group

Roger Tadajewski, Executive Director, NC3

Dave Wilcox, CEO, Global Skills X-Change