Amatrol is one of the world’s leading providers of manufacturing learning systems. Amatrol supplies interactive, multi-media and simulation-based electronic learning solutions to the MSSC for use in our Certified Production Technician (CPT) ® and Certified Forklift Technician (CFT)® Certification Training.
Illinois Manufacturers Association (IMA)
IMA concluded an agreement on January 26, 2009 with MSSC®. This agreement gives the IMA exclusive rights to distribute and take the lead in marketing the MSSC Certification System in Illinois. This agreement also builds on a IMA Board resolution that encourages its 4,000 members to take MSSC certificates into account in their recruitment and hiring processes.
Labor Institute for Training (L.I.F.T)
LIFT was recognized as the official training arm of the Indiana State AFL-CIO by resolution to the Constitution at the 1991 Convention. The Indiana AFL-CIO President, Ken Zeller, oversees LIFT operations as Chair of the LIFT Board of Directors. LIFT was the lead developer of MSSC’s current authorized courseware for its Certified Production Technician (CPT) certification system.
NOCTI and its wholly owned subsidiary NOCTI Business Solutions are leading providers of high-quality occupational competency assessment products and services to industry, secondary, and post-secondary educational institutions in the United States and around the world. Utilizing their ISO 17024 accredited process, NOCTI Business Solutions developed MSSC’s Certified Production Technician (CPT) certification assessments, Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) assessments, Certified Forklift Technician assessment, and the Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation assessments.
Ready Indiana
Ready Indiana, a program of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce is an authorized reseller of MSSC Training for the nationally-recognized industry certifications: Certified Production Technician (CPT) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) ®. This unique Business-to-Business (B2B) Model assists employers with implementing MSSC training internally and certifying company trainers who act as “go-to” people in the workplace, helping employees to complete MSSC courses online at work or on their own time.
OpusWorks®, by The Quality Group, has been providing customized, best-of-class blended e-Learning solutions for leading global corporations, government entities and academic institutions since 1992. Their solutions include rich and engaging content ranging from Lean, Six Sigma, SPC and Basic Statistics to Project Management and Leadership. The OpusWorks platform powers MSSC’s Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) certification program.
Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC)
The Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) provides services to a wide range of industries such as metalworking, food processing, electronics, plastics, apparel and more. TMAC has been a critical partner in MSSC’s development of its Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) Certification System.
Wokforce Solutions-North Central Texas
MSSC, the national leader in certifying the foundational skills of the front-line industrial workforce, developed its new Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) certification system under a July 2007 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to the North Central Texas Workforce Board and in partnership with the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center.
Working for America Institute
The AFL-CIO Working for America Institute (WAI) is a union-sponsored, nonprofit organization dedicated to creating good jobs and building strong communities. WAI was a critical partner in the development of MSSC’s manufacturing standards.
NAM Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System
The goals of the NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System are: (1) to address the need for a better educated and prepared workforce to keep U.S. manufacturers strong and competitive; (2) to provide career and educational pathways for students and transitioning workers; (3) to help low wage workers advance in the manufacturing economy; and, (4) to align public and private investments in education and training to industry-driven credentials in post secondary education including both community colleges and 4-year institutions.
The founding partners with NAM including MSSC are as follows:
- American College Testing (ACT)
- National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS)
- American Welding Society (AWS)
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
Supply Chain and Logistics Certification Network
Association for Operations Management (APICS)
APICS, The Association for Operations Management offers two certification programs, Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP). APICS certifications are recognized worldwide as standards of professional excellence and quality within the manufacturing and service industries.
American Society of Transportation & Logistics (ASTL)
The American Society of Transportation & Logistics offers the following professional-level certifications: Certified in Transportation and Logistics (CTL), Professional Designation in Supply Chain Management (PLS) and the Global Logistics Associate (GLA).
Institute for Supply Management (ISM)
The Institute for Supply Management™ offers the Certified Professional in Supply Management® (CPSM®) and the Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity™ (CPSD™). The CPSM® surpasses the demands of the international marketplace with multi-faceted skills in areas such as finance, supplier relationship management, organizational global strategy and risk compliance. The CPSD™ is for supply management professionals whose responsibilities include supplier diversity.
Warehousing Education & Research Council (WERC)
The Warehousing Education and Research Council Warehouse Certification Program is a voluntary program that certifies an individual warehouse facility’s capabilities and its ability to perform core warehousing functions. The program provides an industry standard grading methodology that includes facility inspections and process assessments by independent third parties.