Manufacturing Skill Standards Council ®-901 N Washington St. Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314


CLT Instructor Training


Individuals that receive the Certified Logistics Technician (CLT)® instructor training should have prior experience in some aspect of supply chain logistics, in industry and/or education and training. MSSC® requires instructors to secure the full “MSSC-Certified Logistics Technician (CLT)” certification prior to enrolling in this training or immediately afterwards.

An instructor is considered an “Authorized MSSC CLT Instructor” when they have completed the CLT Instructor Training and has successfully passed the CLA and CLT assessments. Please note, an Instructor is only authorized to instruct a course when they have already passed the assessment. Once an authorized instructor, the instructor’s name and contact information will be listed under the CLT Authorized Instructor List.

Note: MSSC courses may NOT be purchased without the sale of at least one Instructor Training option.

To place your order for CLT Authorized Instructor Training and Online Training Courses, please contact your specific MSSC Training Solution Provider.

Instructor Training (Online Delivery)

The Online Instructor Training is a self-guided tutorial which takes place in a virtual classroom where instructors learn how to use the CLT e-learning portal to instruct courses. Each instructor receives an instructor package which includes all the materials needed by an instructor:

  • An instructor manual which includes electronic version of the manual; presentations for each chapter; sample classroom exercises for most chapters; information regarding ordering and program administration; FAQs and more
  • CLA Textbook (Supply Chain Logistics: Foundational Knowledge)
  • CLT Textbook (Supply Chain Logistics: Mid-Level Technical Knowledge)
  • 180 days student-level access to the e-learning materials
  • Unlimited Admin access to the e-learning portal
  • Registration and assessment fees waived

Questions? Contact Kim Kaiser, Operations Coordinator, 703-739-9000 x2225 or 

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