Manufacturing Skill Standards Council ®-901 N Washington St. Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314



MSSC® requires that full Certified Production Technician (CPT)® 4.0 and full Certified Logistics Technician (CLT)® Certifications be subject to recertification every five years. There is no recertification required for individual MSSC modular certificates. 

Helpful Downloads

MSSC Recertification Process – the complete recertification guide, or scroll down for more details

FAQ – frequently asked questions

Forms – Verification Forms for education, employment and volunteer activities


This page provides information about the recertification process, tools to help candidates determine if they meet the qualifications for recertification and frequently asked questions. 

The recertification is point-based. Points are earned for continuing education and/or employment in a field related to manufacturing or logistics. Individuals must earn at least 100 points over the five years since certification to qualify for recertification. For more about the point system, click here.

To renew a full certification, individuals must submit an application online via their account: 


  • CPT 4.0 recertification application fee: $75
  • CLT recertification application fee: $75
  • CPT 4.0 and CLT recertification application fee: $100 (To receive discount, the certification must expire within 90 days of each other, both applications must be completed and payment made in full.)
  • The fees for recertification are non-refundable

Point System

There are four categories of points: Continuing Education (CE), Industry Certification (IC), Employment (E) and Extra (X). For a full description of how to earn points in each category, please view the Recertification Policy document. 

Continuing Education (CE): There are three types of continuing education that MSSC recognizes: 

  1. For-credit college courses
  2. Non-credit college courses
  3. Third-party training courses (provided by employers, unions, non-traditional education providers, military)

Industry Certifications (IC): There are four types of pre-approved industry certifications that MSSC recognizes, those issued by:

  1. NAM-endorsed Skills Certification System
  2. ANSI/ISO 17024 Accredited
  3. NCCA Accredited
  4. OSHA General Industry Cards

Employment (E): There are three types of employment that MSSC recognizes:

  1. Direct employment in manufacturing or logistics
  2. Employment as an instructor in manufacturing or logistics
  3. Military employment in an occupational specialty related to manufacturing or logistics

Extra (X): There are two types of volunteer activities that MSSC recognizes:

  1. General volunteer activities that relate to manufacturing or logistics
  2. Membership in committees or panels related to manufacturing or logistics

Still have questions? View the FAQ and Policy Document above or Contact MSSC

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