Manufacturing Skill Standards Council ®-901 N Washington St. Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314

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The MSSC HQ Office will be closed on Monday, February 17th in recognition of Presidents' Day.

ALERT: NOCTI will be undergoing a system update on Friday, February 28th from 5PM to 11PM EST, and as a result, testing will be unavailable for this period. This includes all MSSC assessments administered through NOCTI, including ProctorU. Subscribe to the MSSC® Community Update!

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MSSC Authorized Center




About Us

Offering some 300,000 assessments to date, the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) ®, an industry-led 501(c)3 non-profit, is America's leader in training and certifying foundational technical competencies for front-line technicians for in-demand, higher wage, higher skill jobs in advanced manufacturing and supply chain logistics. Technicians with MSSC Certifications are qualified for 11.3 million jobs in front-line production, material handling, and distribution. 84% of executives surveyed agree there is a talent shortage in U.S. manufacturing. MSSC is helping industry close that gap as they prepare to manufacture the future!

Our Services


The nationally portable and industry-recognized MSSC certification programs in advanced manufacturing, supply chain logistics, and forklift repair focus on core-competency standards identified by industry subject matter experts. Certifications include online and hands-on training programs.

Training Courses

MSSC offers courses which combines interactive, online training with instructor-led materials to help individuals learn the basic skills and knowledge required for advanced manufacturing and supply chain logistics jobs that will prepare them for the certification and their career.

Instructor Training

MSSC requires schools & organizations that wish to offer our courses to attend instructor training or purchase an instructor package.

Hands-on Training

The hands-on training device, CPT+ Skill Boss, provides employers further proof of an individuals skill set by requiring successful demonstration of hands-on skills in electronic, electrical, fluid power, & mechanical systems.


FANUC America and MSSC align around skills certifications

FANUC America, the leading supplier of CNCs, robotics, and ROBOMACHINEs, and Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), the long-established U.S. leader in certifying front-line production technicians with foundational skills in advanced manufacturing and logistics, have aligned to co-market the stackability of their respective industry-recognized certifications. This alliance represents a major step to address the acute shortage of skilled industrial robotics and automation operators.

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MSSC partners with ProctorU to offer certification tests from home

In response to the Coronavirus crisis, the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) has strengthened its capacity to offer a fully online learning and testing solution that will enable prospective certificants to secure the full suite of MSSC certifications.

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Solution to Greatest Challenge Facing E-Commerce Facilities: Acute Shortage of Automation Technicians

The accelerated use of automation technologies within the material handling industry underlines the need for a much larger pool of highly skilled supply chain automation technicians. In response to that need, Amatrol, the nation's leading manufacturer of industrial technician training equipment, and the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) ®, the nation's leading certification body for front-line technicians in advanced manufacturing and logistics, have collaborated on a highly innovative solution.

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If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us

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