Manufacturing Skill Standards Council ®-901 N Washington St. Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22314



MSSC Response to COVID-19

In order to best address the threat of the Coronavirus, and in keeping with Federal Agency attendance guidelines, the MSSC Headquarter office will be moving to a “Telework” platform, with all of our employees working remotely. For assistance and direct contact information of staff visit the “MSSC Team” page.

MSSC has strengthened its capacity to offer a fully online learning and testing solution that will enable prospective certificants to secure the full suite of MSSC certifications from home. See guidance below:

Online Testing

MSSC’s Authorized Assessment Centers can now place orders for their test takers to take assessments from home or remote location since our organization has contracted with the remote proctoring service, ProctorU. 

This will apply to all modular assessments needed for the high stakes, in-demand MSSC Certified Production Technician (CPT)® 4.0 and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT)®. The Certified Forklift Technician (CFT)® online pre-qualification assessment will be available for remote testing, but to earn the Full CFT certification the hands-on training and assessment must be conducted with your local forklift dealership.

For more information on this remote testing option, please contact

Online Courses

MSSC has just sent guidance to all of its instructors on how to work with students online to mentor them through the fully online MSSC courses that they can take at home. To request this information, please contact Tyler Kennedy, MSSC Manager of Strategic Initiatives, or 703-739-9000 x2226.

Course orders will continue to be placed through educational or training institutions in which the student is enrolled.

Online Instructor Training

MSSC Instructor trainees can take the CPT 4.0, CLT & CFT Instructor Training from the comfort of their home. Each training provides 180-day access to the online e-learning materials for instructors to review in a self-guided manner. Includes registration and assessments, course syllabi, etc. MSSC will continue to require that education and training institutions must have a MSSC-trained Instructor available before ordering courses.

To learn more about how to offer MSSC’s training and certifications to your students or employees, contact Tyler Kennedy, MSSC Manager of Strategic Initiatives, or 703-739-9000 x2226.